Interior designer, TV personality, author, creative director, producer, gender equality advocate.

Shaynna Blaze / Website

Shaynna Blaze is a star of TV shows including The Block and Selling Houses Australia as well as an award-winning Interior Designer who has created stunning interiors in residential homes and commercial spaces.

Shaynna Blaze banner image
Shaynna Blaze - new website by Spark Digital


Spark has worked with Shaynna Blaze for over 5 years, initially supporting her original website. In 2020, we designed a new website, characterised by a clean and modern look and feel that highlights Shaynna’s unique insights and beautifully showcases her branded products, all available for online purchase.

In 2023, we worked with Shaynna Blaze to integrate their new branding into the website, enhancing both visual appeal and user experience.

Shaynna Blaze - new website
Shaynna Blaze - new website by Spark Digital


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Nick Davies Nick Davies

Have a free consultation to discuss your project with the founder Nick.

Say hello to us or call us at 1300 001 213

Website projects start at $25k. App projects start at $50k. Digital marketing projects start at $10k.

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