Virtual School Victoria is one of the largest State Government schools in Victoria

Virtual School Victoria / Website

Virtual School Victoria (VSV) is one of the largest state government schools in Victoria, utilising innovative teaching and technology to allow real-time, authentic learning. The teaching model in place at VSV is based on the most extensive evidence-based research conducted into virtual learning in Australia.

Virtual School Victoria image
Virtual School Victoria banner image


Virtual School Victoria approached Spark Digital to build a new website that is contemporary, dynamic, and demonstrates a position of global leadership in the online learning space.

The new site’s audience is to cater for different user groups: prospective & current students, parents, and supervisors. The new site incorporated the school’s new logo and brand elements.

Virtual School Victoria website image
Virtual School Victoria website image


Audience research was conducted with focus group sessions with teachers, parents, and current students. We benchmarked against best practice education websites and analysed their analytics. A comprehensive content audit was carried out, incorporating techniques like card sorting and tree mapping, which led to the development of a new information architecture. Following a thorough user testing process, Spark Digital designed and built a new website.

Nick Davies Nick Davies

Have a free consultation to discuss your project with the founder Nick.

Say hello to us or call us at 1300 001 213

Website projects start at $25k. App projects start at $50k. Digital marketing projects start at $10k.

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