Detroit app (owned by Penske Power Systems) is innovative, visually rich and easy-to-use.

Penske – Detroit / iOS and Android app

  • Transport

Detroit is a world leader in building and servicing truck engine platforms, owned by Penske Power Systems, the Detroit brand engenders extreme brand loyalty in the trucking community. Detroit approached Spark Digital to build an app for their core market, the truck driver on the road in both Australia and New Zealand.



One of the key objectives is to reduce the telephone calls to the Detroit service centre by drivers enquiring about a sequence of appearing alert dashboard lights. By using the app to reference and interpret the sequence of flashes the drivers is easily able to establish the problem and take appropriate action.

Four screens of the Detroit app
Detroit app


An iOS and Android app was planned, designed, built and tested by Spark Digital. The app included a fault code search, information about their Detroit engine and helpful information for regenerating the truck engine. The app also includes other valuable information including location services for drivers to search on nearby service centres and roadside stops.

Nick Davies Nick Davies

Have a free consultation to discuss your project with the founder Nick.

Say hello to us or call us at 1300 001 213

Website projects start at $25k. App projects start at $50k. Digital marketing projects start at $10k.

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