Assisting family and friends supporting people with mental ill-health or suicidal distress.

NSW Health: Everymind / Minds Together

Minds Together is for partners, spouses, family members, friends and colleagues who provide most of the support for people experiencing mental health concerns or suicidal distress in Australia.



In developing the solution for NSW Health, Spark Digital brought together the range of existing mental health programs and resources into a user-friendly platform, enhancing support for caregivers of individuals facing mental health challenges.



Spark Digital were responsible for the planning, design, and development of a new digital platform specifically tailored to meet the current needs of the Minds Together programs. Importantly, the platform was engineered for scalability, with the ability to introduce staged enhancements over the next 3-5 years, ensuring long-term growth and adaptability.

Nick Davies Nick Davies

Have a free consultation to discuss your project with the founder Nick.

Say hello to us or call us at 1300 001 213

Website projects start at $25k. App projects start at $50k. Digital marketing projects start at $10k.

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