The MoRE app helps you track your mood and mobilise skills to manage your worries.

The University of Newcastle / MoRE (Mood Recovery) App

MoRE (Mood Recovery) is a web-based and phone application that focuses on symptoms of depression and anxiety. The MoRE program recognises that these symptoms often occur for people at the same time.

MoRE App, Web App
MoRE App, Web App


The team proposed to develop a web and phone-based application to help people manage their worries and mood. The app would comprise of seven core modules using principles of cognitive behavioural therapy, behavioural activation, and motivation enhancement throughout. The modules were accompanied by a voiceover that reads the module content aloud.


Key concepts were presented in dot points and in text form on the screen, interspersed with graphics and animations to break up the presentation. The app also contains mindfulness-based stress reduction activities, push notifications and interactive activities including forms, worksheets and similar inputs.

MoRE (Mood Recovery) App
MoRE (Mood Recovery) App


The app was planned, designed and build by Spark Digital in conjunction with the UON team. The app included a schedule of activities; a mood monitor allowing users to track their mood over time, prompted with notification reminders. A Content Management System (CMS) is required to allow the team to make simple content changes to the modules. The app integrates with the eCliPSE platform.

Nick Davies Nick Davies

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