The CSIRO Staff Association represents the industrial and professional interests of employees of the CSIRO.

CSIRO Staff Association / Website

The CSIRO Staff Association represents the industrial and professional interests of employees of the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation). The Staff Association has around 3,000 members, approximately half of all CSIRO staff, across every work area and geographical location in Australia.

Image shows the hand of someone facing a room of people who are blurred


The CSIRO Staff Association sought to transform their online resources into a dynamic communication and awareness platform. They aimed to provide members with customisable experiences and attract potential members from the wider CSIRO community.

The solution needed to deliver an easy to use content management system to support staff to create, update and archive content. It also required a intuitive menu structure to support end users to easily find the content they are looking for. A clean and minimised design was created to improve usage of their substantial online resources.

A screenshot of the CSIRO staff website


Spark Digital worked with the CSIRO to deliver a new CMS and user portal. We also designed a streamlined navigation structure, ensuring an intuitive and user-friendly experience, thereby enhancing engagement and accessibility for both existing and potential members.

Nick Davies Nick Davies

Have a free consultation to discuss your project with the founder Nick.

Say hello to us or call us at 1300 001 213

Website projects start at $25k. App projects start at $50k. Digital marketing projects start at $10k.

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